Не верю Солнцу, не верю Луне -Они просто крышки на дырах в Ад;И пусть говорят, что Дьявол во мне -Пусть; он мне и друг, и брат!
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
With our one motor gone
We can still carry on
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
What a shot, what a fight
Yes, we really hit the target for tonight
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
With our one motor gone
We can still carry on
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
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Coming in on a wing and the prayer
With our one motor gone
We can still carry on
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
What a shot, what a fight
Yes, we really hit the target for tonight
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
With our one motor gone
We can still carry on
Coming in on a wing and the prayer
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