Opus - The opusition

My name is doctor vision I´m the leader of the opusition

I made a great invention it´s the new Optimism - Pill

All I have is my great intention that´s the saving of the nation

With the Opusitions Optimism Operation

Losing the tradition by the founding of the party

Finding suppositions for new fellows to come in

Only optimism the definition and explanation

Of the Opusition Optimism Operation

The Opusition seems like a vision

The Optimism - Pill will change your mind

The Opusition no superstition

Vote the Opusition the best you can find

Holding my position behind the window of the wall

Watching the oppression of the world the ruined ball

Knowing my possession the great sensation of the nation

It´sthe Opusitions Optimism Operation

Dreaming of a vision on the pillow till I fall

Thinking on my mission the meaning of the call

Feeling the progression congratulation no imagination

It´s the Opusition Optimism Operation

The Opusition seems like...

My name is doctor vision...

The Opusition makes you feel better

The Optimism - Pill keeps you always kind

The Opusition makes sunny weather